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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life Reflects

Life Reflects....Yes it actually does.....

What You give to Life ...You surely will get the same back from it ....
infact in greater Volumes!!
Give Life feelings of Love and Get back Love ....Give Hatred you get Hatred, Give thoughts of abundance you get enormous strength , give thoughts of fear , Doubts and scarcity and you get back Misery.

You are Born to Live Free, live Cheerful, live Life King/queen Size ...
Fall in Love with Life...

Life gives you everything you expect , 
So expect, dream, ask .....
and more than all this HOPE....

Pray with all Your heart ...and keep unwavering faith...... WHAT  you want is YOUR Concern.....and HOW it will happen is not at all your concern ....
its GOD'S Job ....
allow him to Manifest Your dreams..... 
Life FREE , Live FULL , Live LIGHT !!!

Focus on what you want rather than focusing on what you don't want.... 
Your FOCUS Should be on all the GOOD 
and then more of GOOD will come to YOU !!!!

Appreciate Life ...Give it LOVE ...and it will Love You back in GREATER  VOLUMES !!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tommorow .......... today will be Yesterday

Today...I Love you more than Yesterday... 
I love you more than i have ever told you...

 I do the more i know you ...the more i fall for You
the more I have you... the more I want of you

My day starts with You...it ends off with You
my smile comes and goes off with You tomorrow........

Today will be yesterday, tomorrow will be a new today 
I love you Today ...more than Yesterday.......

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Love is ......

Love is.....

Appealing, tempting wink
a touch, making heart sink
Proud display of a gift
Stolen glance in a lift

A sip from his rum
Eyes talking, lips numb
A wet pillow overnight
An early morning fight

A callous gruesome answer
An NV going bouncer
My treasure – 4 coins, parking slip , a used paper napkin...
Charming pleasure …a conscience denying THE most wanted sin..

A forceful morning stroll
A drowsy wakeup call
Bike ride on a rusty dusty highway
Untraceable in january , a Killing sun of may

A known fragrance, a teasing whim

Park avenue or its just him

Serene sense when he is around

Free heart yearing to be bound

A heartfelt, prayer said
A novel still unread
A picture in my wallet 7 years old

Luring desires , set on fire ...by a heart grown cold

A tear-filled eye
A dreadful bye
Unwavering blissful faith
Highs and lows of breath

Those so called dates… a walk, a movie and two icecreams…
Damn !! me crafting them , he shattering dreams…
Gleaming sweat drop on his face
Me craving for an embrace...

Feb, march n april …my longest lasting grudge
Two different people, one butterscotch, another chocolate fudge
A awry fight within
A Heart worth winning

Lights on a tower dim.... off and on
No difference, an hour gone…an year gone
A priceless sea shell
A message to get well

Far off places 1400 kilometers
Rains from lacrimal flowing by litres
Causal praise for all the madness done
Loudest last say, we are not meant to be one..

No why , No cry , No blame, No fight
LOVE IS .........
Freedom as of bird..with me...or out of sight .....

Saturday, October 9, 2010

View out of my Window

Far-off view of a fading gleaming sun
Incessant sea, colossal sky , uniting at Horizon

Temple bells rumbling, with growing dusk
Holy Prayer call from far- flung mosque

Crimson- carroty image of sky on blue water range
Or the sky playing mirror to this ocean for a change

A few birds, two kites , on clear sky , above
Down on a lane, crowd struggling even to move

Over my head an airplane , to some destined ground
Under the chin, people searching fates, to be lost or found

View out of my window , is a blend of noise and peace
Observing this mix, as one fine day its all going to cease


A respite, a relief
A wish, a belief
A ready reside
A silence inside

A blithe, A bless
Learn to witness
Immortal patience
Buoyant endurance

Strength renewed
A pure gratitude
An embracing river
A receiver a giver

No doubt, no resistance
A Divine Acceptance

एक अरसा बीत गया है .....

एक  अरसा बीत  गया  है .....
एक  अरसा  बीत  गया  है, तपिश  गई  नहीं  है  मेरे  माथे  से 

सोचकर  सोइ  , की  कल  सुनहरा  दिन  है  तुम्हारा 
सुबह  सबसे  पहले  मुझे  छुओगे 
तो मेरा  दिन  सुनहरा  हो  जायेगा  ,

सूरज  से  पहले  जाएगी  थी , बुखार  का  बहाना  बनाया  था 
पर  कम्बख्त  अखबार  मुझसे  पहले  आ  गया  दुनिया  जहां  की  खबरें  लेकर  …

एक  अरसा  बीत  गया  है , वो  आवाज़  अब  तक  गूँज  रही  है  कानो  में 
ग्यारह  महीनो  में  तीसरी  बार  मुझे  मेरे नाम से  पुकारा  था  तुमने 
वैसे  लोग  कहते  रहते  हैं ,  नाम  ख़ूबसूरत  है  मेरा 
पर  जब  तुम  से  सुनती  हु   तो  लोगों  की  बातों  पर  यकीन  आता  है ..

एक  अरसा  बीत  गया  है , वो  मुस्कान  धुंधली   नहीं   हुई  है  आँखों  से ..
तुम्हे  पता  नहीं  है  शायद , कोशिश  जरूर  करते  हो 
पर  छुपा  नहीं  पाते  हो  अपनी  मुस्कराहट 
कम्बख्त  लम्बी  इतनी  है , की  मुँह  फ्लो  फिर  भी  दिख  जाती  है …

एक  अरसा  बीत  गया  है  तपिश  गई  नहीं  है 
मेरे  माथे  से , मेरे  कानो  से  , मेरी  आँखों  से ..
एक  अरसा  बीत  गया  है ….

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Unknown Forever...

If You Believe I cannot understand the unsaid ,
Can't Make the diffrence between Real and the Pretended,
If You Believe that Distance does Matter
or Your Coldness, does Shatter
If You Believe Your Voice Could Lie
or Your Eyes when You are near by
If You Believe I have Not KNOWN the Real-Beautiful YOU
then Dear Fren You must be told
YOU never knew me.....

God's Most Beautiful Creation !!!

Lots of innocence from a Child
and some Mystery from the Wild
Rays of Brightness from Sunrise
Little Mischief from the Lies
Tied up all together …….
Make those Beautiful pair of Eyes

Louder than Laugh itself
More Silent… than the Silence
Your softer than soft …sense
That Most Lively Presence
You !! have been gifted
with a charming Quintessence

That Royal, KingLike Walk
That firmness as of Rock
Delightful of all the traits
Is that Keen and Clear Talk...
Birthday Wish For YOU is
Come what may ....You Always Outwalk!

That Freshness of the Breeze
That Glory Still Unleashed
Dear “God’s Most Beautiful Creation”
Spread……. that Killing Smile
For GOD Sake Please !!

"" "Finest of the Fine…… You are One of Your kind """!!!