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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life Reflects

Life Reflects....Yes it actually does.....

What You give to Life ...You surely will get the same back from it ....
infact in greater Volumes!!
Give Life feelings of Love and Get back Love ....Give Hatred you get Hatred, Give thoughts of abundance you get enormous strength , give thoughts of fear , Doubts and scarcity and you get back Misery.

You are Born to Live Free, live Cheerful, live Life King/queen Size ...
Fall in Love with Life...

Life gives you everything you expect , 
So expect, dream, ask .....
and more than all this HOPE....

Pray with all Your heart ...and keep unwavering faith...... WHAT  you want is YOUR Concern.....and HOW it will happen is not at all your concern ....
its GOD'S Job ....
allow him to Manifest Your dreams..... 
Life FREE , Live FULL , Live LIGHT !!!

Focus on what you want rather than focusing on what you don't want.... 
Your FOCUS Should be on all the GOOD 
and then more of GOOD will come to YOU !!!!

Appreciate Life ...Give it LOVE ...and it will Love You back in GREATER  VOLUMES !!!!


ksharma said...

it is true ........but not always ....!!!!!

Life Reflects ! said...

hmmm u r rite i think...

Anurakshi said...

Life is a learning journey. Life teaches through experiences, whether we recognize these lessons or not. When we reflect on our lives, we make sense of our experiences, and internalize what we learn.

Life Reflects ! said...

Anurakshi... do we really understand the hidden messages from our experiences ( Good or Bad..watever)